Submit a 30 Day Job Posting.

As a service to our members and the Manitoba Community, this is a forum to post career opportunities for professionals in the project management field as well as an information exchange for those in the field to pursue employment opportunities in the area. If you have a job opening related to project management in Manitoba and surroundings that you would like posted here, please complete this form. Disclaimer: PMI Manitoba cannot and does not endorse the organization or the career opportunity listed below. PMI Manitoba will not participate in any discussions, decisions, negotiations, etc. It is solely up to the individual and the organization to discuss the opportunity. Cost is $150 plus GST for one 30 Day posting. The job posting will reach over 2,000 local professionals that subscribe to our PMI Manitoba Insight Newsletter and an additional 2,000+ that follow us on social media. CHAPTER SPONSORS: Your sponsorship package provides you with free job postings. Please contact for more details.

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